Posts Under Tag: Danang

Best 10 things to do during sunny days in Da Nang

Best 24 things to do in Da Nang 2

Best 24 things to do in Da Nang 2 – Wondering what to do during your stay in Da Nang? Let me show you these interesting activities 😉 1. Wandering around Hoi An – Best 24 things to do in Da Nang 2 The ancient town of Hoi An is around 30km away from Danang, so visitors

摩托化美食之旅, Da Nang Motorbike Food Tour


摩托化美食之旅 – 摩托车美食之旅会带你去品尝本地最特殊的佳肴,而一般的游客若走路决定不用体验到的。与游客骑着摩托车你还可以探不一般的道路。热情和谐的导游会带你到美食最好的地方,以岘港人的方式品尝美食,听一听每一道菜背后的故事。 岘港摩托车美食之旅将带你到虽然很一般的地方,只有当地人才知道的,但是能够让你对到这个可爱城市的另一面感受到即新颖又不同的看法。4个小时内你将品尝8道菜。我们只带领小团体(最多8个客人)。你们会在当地餐厅品尝岘港最好的佳肴。本地传统文化与饮食信息会是这里每一道菜变得更有风趣。 岘港摩托车美食之旅并不是一般的美食之旅。你在整个旅途中除了品尝美菜还可以探索无法忘怀的文焕地点。旅途中你也不用等着午餐或晚餐,因为在这里有很多美食在等着你。你最好在旅途之出发前少吃一点早餐或午餐。 须知: 启程时间:早上8点整/四点证(夏天),而点整(冬天)。 旅程时间:5小时 交通工具:摩托车(我们的导游会骑车带你去) 在岘港中心的宾馆接送游客。 注意:离中心远的宾馆,我们会多收5美金/趟接送费用如Fusion Maia resort, Crowne Plaza resort, Olalani Resort, Pullman Resort, Hyatt resort, Vinpearl Resort, Sandy beach resort, Ocean villa, Pulchar Resort, Naman retreat resort。 团体规模:最多8个人 天气条件:雨天或晴天都可以 注意:旅程中如果你有节食需求请通知我们。   岘港摩托车美食之旅的独特之处 1个导游,1个游客。我们会带着你。 在岘港最好街头品尝食品。 5个餐厅,8道菜(足够代替午餐或晚餐) 探索导游书中没有的地方。 你会坐在摩托车上,当地导游会带你参观城市。 参加“越南菜之挑战”-敬请期待 小团体才能保证最好的服务。 包括: 摩托车与安全帽 会英文的导游 旅程中的所有美菜足够代替午餐/完成 矿泉水 啤酒 不包括 小费不过我们也很感谢的。  

岘港居家烹饪班, Da Nang Home Cooking Class


岘港居家烹饪班 岘港居家烹饪班是你假期来岘港美丽的海滩城市不应错过的活动。是你探索越南饮食及当地人风俗文化的机会。凯蒂,教你烹饪越南菜的厨师,是一个非常了解越南的文化、饮食的年轻人。她不仅能细致的地教你烹饪菜肴而且给你介绍当地人的生活。凯蒂的烹饪技艺是世代相传的。秋姨,你来访问的地方的主人,她是一个接近、亲善的人。在凯蒂在烹饪班,她会给你们带来家的感觉。 居家烹饪班跟其他烹饪班的区别。 参加这个烹饪班你会学到比其他烹饪班更多技能,岘港居家烹饪班不仅给你带来一个美好的学习过程让你感受到温暖、好客的越南家庭。我们会带您去参观当地市场,参观青菜园,在热闹的城市找到宁静,探索当地人的家庭生活。 全程独立操作 教您越南烹饪技巧 厨师面对面示范指导并让您品尝厨师的手艺 我们会教您烹饪越南菜的工序 我们需要了解您的饮食习惯,如果您对于某种原料或食品过敏请通过邮箱预先通知我们。我们会跟你们确认替换的菜品或原料。 如果您有特殊需求,我们会为您另行安排。 我们欢迎有素食习惯的游客来参加我们的烹饪班。 居家烹饪班的特俗点: 学习烹饪越南菜 探索当地人的生活和文化 参观多彩的当地市场与越南人丰富的烹饪石材 在当地咖啡馆品尝越南咖啡 参观青菜园并和农民一起劳动 每班仅8个人,确保给每位学员最好的服务 烹饪菜单。 春卷 木瓜沙拉 煎饼 越南特色食品“三友” 甜点 (提供时令水果) 具体行程。 安排导游到您居住的旅馆迎接 参观当地市场,教您如何在越南市场购物 参观城市中心的青菜园,在这里您会看到农民种菜,告诉您这些菜在越南饮食中的作用,和当地农民一起参加劳动 去当地越南家庭,学习烹饪越南菜,分享越南饮食文化 享用自己烹饪的午餐和晚餐 收费标准 价格:39美元/人(成年人) 儿童(5-10岁):20美元/人 开班最少人数:2人 上午游览时间:8点至13点 下午游览时间:14点30 至19点30 游览类型:旅行团 私人旅游:加30%费用 不包括送客服务 游客接车规定 对于离岘港中心比较远的旅馆,额外收取5美元/人的接车费用 该规定适用于以下酒店: : Fusion Maia resort, Crowne Plaza resort, Olalani Resort, Pullman Resort, Hyatt

Nam Danh Sea food restaurant


TOP 10 LOCAL DANANG SEAFOOD RESTAURANTS Danang is not only famous for spectacular mountains but also endowed with beautiful beaches. Therefore, it’s often chosen as an ideal place to relax and enjoy fresh seafood from nature. The list below is top 10 seafood restaurants that you definitely have to come when visiting Danang. vé máy

Good morning Da Nang, danang tour, danang sightseeing tour

Da Nang Car rental full day

(Da Nang Car rental full day) – We specialize in providing transport services in Da Nang city and other nearby cities such as Hoi An and Da Nang. Our car service from 4 seats up to 16 seats equipped with air conditioners. We are committed to bringing you safe, comfortable and incredible journeys. Hire a

Airport Pick Up and Accommodations

Da Nang Airport – My Son Sanctuary – Hoi An Hotel

(Da Nang Airport – My Son Sanctuary – Hoi An Hotel) – You are going to go to Da Nang? You are cusrious about Champa kingdom, Cham culture and My Son holy land? You are going to stay in Hoi An for your upcoming trip? You want a good transfer service with reasonable price? We

Airport Pick Up and Accommodations

Da Nang Airport – Marble Mountain – My Khe Beach – Cham Museum – Hoi An Hotel

(Da Nang Airport – Marble Mountain – My Khe Beach – Cham Museum – Hoi An Hotel) – You are looking for a transfer service from Da Nang airport to Hoi An hotel? You want to stop to visit some famous Da Nang attractions yourself before heading to Hoi An such as Marble Mountains, My


Han River – Son Tra peninsula – Cham island on Harems 2 Cruise

(Han River – Son Tra peninsula – Cham island on Harems 2 Cruise) – Harems 2 cruise which is originated in Norway decorated and designed beautifully and sophisticatedly in order to complies with European standards, will bring you the most luxury experience while visiting Da Nang. Equipped fully with diving/snorkeling equipment on board as well

Good morning Da Nang, danang tour, danang sightseeing tour

Good morning Da Nang

If you love photography and want to experience a REAL Da Nang’s life (without tourists), Good Morning Da Nang is a must do. You will discover Da Nang town charm with a walk through the town as it begins to come alive. Your journey includes a sunrise visit to the fragrant and colourful Da Nang


Da Nang Sites and Bites Tour

(Da Nang Sites and Bites Tour) Voted as Asia Top Travelers’ Choice Destination On The Rise in 2015 by Tripadvisor, Da Nang is a must for any travelers who visit Asia. To get to know more about Da Nang easily, many people choose a tour to join. However, there are so many tours from different agents which make